How do different Asian countries celebrate Christmas?


The major religions in Japan are Buddhism and Shinto, so Christmas is more of a commercial event that Japanese people celebrate for fun. It is common for Japanese parents to give Christmas presents to their children and this exchange happens on Christmas Eve, not Christmas day. However, adults don’t usually give gifts to each other as they keep to the notion that only Santa brings presents because it is true!
The Philippines is the only Asian country where Christians predominate. Majority of its people are Roman Catholic. Christmas, therefore, is an extremely important and revered holiday for most Filipinos. It is a time for family, for sharing, for giving, and a time for food, fun, and friendship.
South Korea
Christmas is celebrated more widely in South Korea as Christians make up about 30% of the population. However, the other 70% of people in South Korea are Buddhist (about 25%) or don’t have a religion so if they do celebrate Christmas, it is more for the joyous sentiment the holidays bring.

Merry Christmas everyone and have a happy holiday!